We are pleased to have you as one of our partners. As an important part of our supply chain, it is imperative that we are aligned on core values and as such we have set out our Code below.
Glass half full - find the positives
Family first/look at the whole person
Willingness to go above and beyond
Don't take yourself too seriously/find a little pocket of fun/find a way to have fun
This Supplier Code of Conduct ('Code') sets out the minimum standards of behavior that Call Design expects its suppliers to meet in the areas of labor and human rights, health and safety, environment, business integrity, cyber security and privacy, and supplier diversity.
Suppliers must read, understand, and ensure that their business and supply chain meet these standards. Suppliers must communicate this Code to related entities, their own suppliers and subcontractors who support them in supplying to Call Design, so that they are aware of, understand and comply with this Code.
Suppliers' ability to meet or exceed standards detailed in this Code will be a key consideration when Call Design makes procurement decisions as we expect all suppliers to adhere to this Code. This will happen regardless of whether the Code has been formally incorporated into a particular contract with the supplier. This Code does not preclude Call Design from including additional social, environmental, ethical, privacy or cyber security requirements into procurement contracts to address specific risks of an agreement.
In this Code, supplier means any individual or entity (including consultants and channel partners) that supplies goods or services to Call Design or its related companies (collectively 'Call Design') anywhere in the world. In this Code, workers refer to employees, contractors, agencies, migrants, students, and temporary staff of the supplier and of its related entities.
Suppliers must comply with the law in the countries where they operate.
At Call Design, we respect and support human rights, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We expect suppliers to respect and support the protection of human rights of workers, as well as individuals and communities affected by their activities.
When suppliers become aware of a labor incident within their company or supply chain which is in breach of this Code, they must disclose it to management.
Suppliers must not engage in or support discrimination in hiring and employment practices, including on grounds of gender, age, religion, ethnicity, race, cultural background, disability, physical features, marital relationship status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, family responsibilities, political beliefs, industrial activity, union membership, irrelevant criminal record, nor personal association with a person who possesses or is thought to possess any of these attributes. Suppliers must work towards identifying and removing gender pay gaps that may exist in their workplace.
Suppliers must not use violence, threats of violence or other forms of physical coercion or harassment. Corporal punishment, mental, physical, or verbal abuse, sexual harassment, or sexual abuse, and harsh or inhumane treatment are prohibited. Suppliers must clearly define and communicate to workers disciplinary policies and procedures in support of these requirements.
Suppliers must respect workers' freedom of association, recognize, and protect their right to collective bargaining and to form, join and administer workers' organizations.
Suppliers must protect against acts of interference with the establishment, function, or administration of workers' organizations in accordance with applicable laws. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under the law, suppliers must allow workers to freely elect their own representatives.
Suppliers must not discriminate, harass, intimidate, or retaliate against workers for being members of a union or participating in union activities, and provide worker representatives with access to their workplace.
Suppliers must make conditions of employment clear when hiring by providing employees with written documentation which outlines the basic terms and conditions of employment in a language they can understand.
Suppliers must comply with applicable laws relating to wages and benefits (including minimum wage, overtime pay, and piece rates). Suppliers must not use deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure and must pay workers in a timely manner. For each pay period, workers must be provided with a timely and understandable wage statement that includes sufficient information to verify accurate compensation for work performed. All use of temporary, dispatch and outsourced labor will be within the limits of the local law.
Suppliers must not use any form of forced, bonded, or compulsory labor, slavery, or human trafficking in any part of their business operations. Suppliers must not require workers to surrender any government-issued identification, passport or work permit or other personal document as a condition of employment. Workers shall not be required to pay employers' or agents' recruitment or any other fee for their employment.
Child labor is strictly prohibited. Suppliers must implement appropriate mechanisms to verify the age of workers. The minimum age for employment or work is the higher of 15 years of age, the minimum age for employment in the relevant country, or the age for completing compulsory education in the relevant country. This Code does not prohibit participation in workplace apprenticeship programs or light work as defined by the ILO. Children under the age of 18 must not be employed for any hazardous work or work that is inconsistent with their individual development, including night shifts and overtime. In the absence of local law, the wage rate for student workers, interns, and apprentices shall be at least the same wage rate as other entry-level workers performing equal or similar tasks. If child labor is identified, you must immediately stop using child labor and ensure there is a remediation plan in place which puts the best interests of the child first and allows the child to access appropriate education until no longer a child.
Our suppliers play a significant role in our business and our commitment to keep each other, our customers, and communities safe, secure, and well. Suppliers must identify and comply with relevant workplace and product health and safety laws and ensure their workers understand and follow health and safety policies, standards, and procedures that apply to their work. Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy workplace for their workers and anyone that could be impacted by their activities. As a minimum, suppliers must:
Call Design values diversity and inclusion. Diversity means differences in all forms, both visible and invisible. This includes differences that relate to gender, age, cultural background, disability, religion, and sexual orientation, as well as differences in background and life experience, and interpersonal and problem-solving skills. In line with this, Call Design prefers suppliers who promote diversity in their supply chain, including:
Suppliers must minimize the adverse environmental impacts of their operations, products, and services.
Suppliers must comply with applicable environmental laws, standards, and notices from regulators. Suppliers must obtain, maintain, keep current and comply with necessary environmental permits, approvals, and registrations.
At Call Design, we act with honesty and integrity and don't make or receive improper payments, benefits, or gains. Suppliers must act ethically and be honest, transparent, and trustworthy in all their dealings with others.
Suppliers must avoid actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest with Call Design employees. If conflicts of interest occur, they must be disclosed ensure appropriate steps are taken to manage the conflict.
Suppliers must comply with applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and must have adequate policies and procedures in place to monitor compliance with such laws.
Call Design strictly prohibits bribes, pay-offs, “facilitation payments” (payments to speed up routine actions), secret, unjustified or inflated commissions, kickbacks and any like payments or improper benefits, whether directly or indirectly, no matter how large or small in value. This includes payments to or from any person (including public officials, foreign officials, foreign political parties, or candidates for foreign political office) for the purpose of assisting a party to obtain or retain business for or with, or to direct business to, any person.
Suppliers must respect the intellectual property rights of Call Design and other third parties. Any transfer of technology and knowhow must be handled in a manner that protects intellectual property rights.
Suppliers must conduct their business in full compliance with anti-trust and fair competition laws, and disclose information regarding business activities, structure, financial situation, and performance in accordance with applicable laws. Falsification of records or misrepresentation of conditions or practices is unacceptable.
Cyber Security and Privacy are non-negotiable parts of how we work. We expect our suppliers to work with us to protect Call Design and our customers' data and networks. Suppliers must implement industry best practice or technical and organizational security measures that align with Call Design's security policies including managing and monitoring their supply chain to protect Call Design and our customers' data and networks from breaches and unauthorised access. Where Call Design requires suppliers to meet specific security requirements, including the use of Call Design approved solutions or services, these requirements must be met. When suppliers become aware of a data or network breach, they must immediately notify Call Design.
Suppliers must treat Call Design's and our customers' data as confidential information and only use that data for the purpose of providing services to Call Design. Call Design's Privacy Statements outline our privacy commitment and explain how we collect, use, disclose and protect personal information of individuals we deal with. Suppliers who collect, use, store or have access to personal information held or provided by Call Design must have adequate processes and effective technical security controls in place to protect personal information from misuse, interference, loss, and unauthorised access, modification, and disclosure. Suppliers must have adequate processes and controls to monitor compliance with applicable security and privacy laws and contractual obligations, including requirements such as executing a Data Protection Agreement when acting as a data processor under the EU General Data Protection Regulations. Suppliers must not do anything which would cause Call Design to be perceived as acting inconsistently with our Privacy Statements and the Call Design Privacy Principles.
Suppliers shall develop, communicate, implement, and maintain policies consistent with this Code and maintain appropriate management systems and documentation to demonstrate compliance with the Code. Management accountability and responsibility for ensuring implementation of such management systems must be clearly defined.
Suppliers must provide workers, their suppliers, and members of the community in which they operate in or provide services to with a confidential means to report violations of this Code. Suppliers must have procedures in place to allow workers to bring workplace concerns to the attention of management for resolution and communicate these procedures to workers. The procedures, and associated communication, must be accessible, culturally appropriate and in a language workers understand. Workers must be able to openly communicate and share concerns about working conditions and management practices without fear of retaliation.
Call Design may at any time review or audit a supplier's compliance with this Code. In such an event, the supplier must co-operate by providing information, documents, and access to staff as Call Design reasonably requires. In addition, where Call Design has reasonable grounds to suspect a breach of this Code by a supplier, Call Design may require the supplier to provide additional information and, in serious cases, submit to an immediate audit at the supplier's cost.
If a supplier becomes aware of a reasonable risk of a breach to this Code, the supplier must notify Call Design as soon as practicable. Suppliers must conflict of interest relating to Call Design employees and labor practice incidents. Any identified deficiencies must be corrected on a timely basis as directed by Call Design.
We take this Code seriously and any material non-compliance may result in the termination of the supplier's business relationship with Call Design.
Suppliers are encouraged to go beyond compliance to applicable laws and take responsibility to continually improve social and environmental conditions and ethical behavior.
It is important to us that anyone can raise concerns and report suspected violations of this Code. Call Design's confidential and anonymous whistleblowing service can be accessed via our Ethics and Conduct page.
Let us know how we can help.